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VideoVerse: Potential of CPaaS4 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes 16th of June 2023 was an important day for JioMeet and CPaaS community members, as we held out the very first session of VideoVerse, a CPaaS series dedicated to exploring the power of Video APIs.

Jun 30, 2023 3 min

VideoVerse: Potential of CPaaS4 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes
JioMeet CPaaS
Virtual Event

16th of June 2023 was an important day for JioMeet and CPaaS community members, as we held out the very first session of VideoVerse, a CPaaS series dedicated to exploring the power of Video APIs. The attendees saw our host Shikha Pakhide, in conversation with Rob Kruver, the founding partner of the CPaaS Acceleration Alliance, who has worked in Cloud Communications for over 20 years. Their conversation and Rob Kruver’s insights played a key role in the attendees learning the importance of a dynamic CPaaS provider focusing on being a solution basis consumer insights.  

The crucial role of CPaaS companies across industries  

CPaaS companies have played a key role in changing the way we connect and communicate. Communication platforms like JioMeet CPaaS have been a catalyst in business operations transcending physical barriers.  

JioMeet CPaaS
CPaaS Provider 
Communication Platform As A Service

According to Rob, CPaaS integrations of voice, chat, and especially Video APIs have made it an interactive digital avenue to rely on. Its endless possibilities with Artificial Intelligence, prevalence across industries, and dominance with video conferencing will propel the now $ 15 Billion industry to a $ 100 Billion industry by the end of this decade. We can already see this accelerated growth in our present times with the dynamic applications of CPaaS across industries.  

Prevalence of CPaaS platforms in multiple Industries 

One of the key pointers discussed by Shikha and Rob in the session was the unique ability of CPaaS platforms to seamlessly integrate themselves into any industry. The one that proved to be very interesting to Rob was the prevalence of CPaaS in the gaming industry. With Video APIs, CPaaS providers can offer an interactive, engaging, and intuitive way to connect and communicate with one another, which would benefit, streamers, players, and the audience as well with the power of video calling.  

Another industry discussed was healthcare. With the advent of COVID-19, CPaaS and their online video chat capabilities greatly benefitted the healthcare system. It enabled the doctors to connect with their patients virtually, eliminating the obstacle of physical barriers, with secured digital connections of CPaaS providers powered by Video APIs. With the power of secured digital connections, the healthcare system could still be a benefactor for people in times of social distancing.  

This further shed light on the necessity of a dynamic solution providing CPaaS. While for the gaming industry, it was interactive avenues to connect and engage on, for the healthcare system it was secured digital communication channels such as live video chat to ensure maximum privacy for its users. Similarly, for banking, it was stable video chat and video calling for KYC and connecting with potential and existing customers. CPaaS holds the potential to transform digital experiences and has tremendous growth potential but can only bridge the gap between vendors and users once it understands how to cater to the needs of its customers!   

What makes a CPaaS provider reliable?  

With the prevalence of multiple CPaaS vendors and a large dynamic audience base, CPaaS vendors need to focus on delivering a high-quality customer experience, focus on providing solution basis consumer insights, and keep focusing on providing dynamic updates that enrich communications for the existing user base. Every consumer is different and so are their needs, which makes it necessary for CPaaS providers to build a dynamic platform which can be customized to fit user requirements. CPaaS providers like JioMeet CPaaS must keep in touch with their user base and keep working on understanding their requirements and meeting their expectations!  

Rob Kurver’s conversation with Shikha on the necessities, applications, potential and future of CPaaS were insightful to the attendees as they learnt about the ecosystem of the CPaaS market. In case you missed the session, you can watch it here! 

Are you looking for a CPaaS provider? Feel free to connect with us here!  

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