JioMeet Blog

The integration of CPaaS in our professional lives and its global presence4 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The pandemic changed the way we communicate in our professional lives. Virtual communications became a need of the hour as we adjusted to remote working, and communication platform services became a necessity! 

CPaaS business adoption remains robust as software engineering leaders seek to deepen digital engagement with customers and stakeholders on multiple use cases. Their teams are increasingly embedding communications APIs into applications and business systems. 

Mar 22, 2023 3 min

The integration of CPaaS in our professional lives and its global presence4 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The pandemic changed the way we communicate in our professional lives. Virtual communications became a need of the hour as we adjusted to remote working, and communication platform services became a necessity! 

CPaaS business adoption remains robust as software engineering leaders seek to deepen digital engagement with customers and stakeholders on multiple use cases. Their teams are increasingly embedding communications APIs into applications and business systems. 

Entities across industries are adopting CPaaS integrations to deepen engagement with stakeholders and customers with virtual connections. Simple API integrations enable the needed deeper engagement with end customers and enterprises.  

Platforms like JioMeet Platform reinvented the wheel of corporate communication structures across industries, and the CPaaS industry has grown immensely since 2020.  

According to a Gartner report published in 2021, 95% of global enterprises will leverage API-enabled CPaaS offerings as a strategic IT skill set to enhance their digital competitiveness by 2025. The research paper further stated that at least 40% of midsize enterprises will scale up digital capabilities for customer experience using CPaaS tools, up from less than 10% in 2021. 

What’s the exponential growth of CPaaS on a global level? 

With the onset of hybrid working models and digital ecosystems, CPaaS globally has grown exponentially. While different reports have estimated multiple growth rates for the coming years, what’s interesting to see is that all predict massive growth potentials for the CPaaS sector. Global Newswire Insights state that Cloud Communication Platforms are estimated to grow at 14.1% CAGR, Fortune Business Insights estimates a 28.1% CAGR, and Gartner insights estimate a growth rate of 30% through 2025. According to Fortune Business Insights, North America has the biggest Communication Platform as a Service market, followed by the Asia Pacific market. 

(Alt Tags: Fortune Business Insights, CPaaS, North American region)   

North America  

North America could lead the global revenue share in the CPaaS market. The presence of key players across various industries in the US is a benefactor for the US to be in the lead. Key players and the monumental impact of cloud-based software’s rapid growth in the region add to this potential! Canada follows USA’s footsteps as it also contributes heavily to the rapidly growing CPaaS sector as the user base grows globally!   

(Alt Tags: CPaaS growth, North American region CPaaS)  

Asia Pacific  

Asia Pacific region’s growth in the CpaaS sector is due to the rising government investments in digital transformation. According to McKinsey’s report ‘The Outlook for 2025’, China is the second largest in the cloud computing market. India has made massive waves in the CpaaS market as it witnesses a rise in small and medium-sized enterprises generating a lot of demand for CPaaS.  


Industries in Europe are investing in customer-based services to expand their customer base and fuel revenue growth leading to the adoption of Communication Platforms as a Service. For example,  Mobile Telesystems acquired Multiregional TransitTelecom in July 2021 to start a new portfolio in the market with double-digit growth.  

Middle East and Africa  

Communication Platform Services usage should grow in the Middle Eastern and African regions due to its ambitious manufacturing sector expansion. Additionally, countries focusing on advanced technologies and investment policies like Vision 2030 could boost CPaaS’s reach. 

With the growth of the CPaaS sector globally and its ever-increasing necessity of it, communication platforms have to go beyond seamless connections and become a benefactor to digital ecosystems across various industries to serve business needs. JioMeet Platform recognizes this need of the hour, and with simple API and SDK integrations, seamlessly integrates across Education, Healthcare, Retail, Government sectors, and more!  

Click here to know more! 

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