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JioMeet launches ‘Dev Center’ !!1 min read

Reading Time: < 1 minute JioMeet launches ‘DevCenter’, a programmable real-time communications platform allowing Web, Android, and iOS applications to deliver LIVE video meetings in their applications using JioMeet!

Jun 9, 2022 < 1 min

JioMeet launches ‘Dev Center’ !!1 min read

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Ever wondered how cool would it be to have a more personalized and interactive experience on your app!

JioMeet launches ‘Dev Center’, a programmable real-time communications platform allowing Web, Android, and iOS applications to deliver LIVE video meetings in their applications using JioMeet!

The DevCenter provides native applications with various APIs, SDKs, and support tools to capture, distribute, record, and render high-quality audio-video streaming and conferencing experiences on app, desktop, web (iFrame support), etc.

It also illustrates sample responses from a wide set of JioMeet APIs the developers can choose from, to build their application into a much more interactive one with LIVE video calling. Additional API libraries are coming soon on JioMeet’s Dev Center.

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