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Do you feel anxious or depressed? Don’t worry, there is plenty of help here4 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes The second wave of pandemic in India has hit us hard. The impact on mental health can be mitigated by seeking professional help. JioMeet helps people directly connect with health professionals.

Jun 3, 2021 3 min

Do you feel anxious or depressed? Don’t worry, there is plenty of help here4 min read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Just when we thought things were getting better, the second wave of Pandemic struck India. Keeping indoors all day and striving hard to find a purpose, even when the situation is out of control, is really difficult. Social distancing, quarantine, loss of loved ones and isolation during the COVID‐19 outbreak have exponentially made lives stressful and anxious.

Mental Health Issues are widely prevalent but still considered taboo

WHO has estimated that before pandemic, 7.5% of all Indians were suffering from some mental health issues. Now, the number seems to have risen to 20% over the course of the pandemic. Mental illness can impact anyone, irrespective of gender, caste, religion, socio-economic class, and region. Almost everyone goes through anxiety or depression at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, there is a lot of taboo attached to mental challenges, due to fear of judgment, gossip, and drama. This long-held taboo has prevented millions in India from accessing the mental health care that they really need.

Online Professional Help and Therapy

Although altering the societal norms and belief systems takes a long time, it should not prevent you from getting the professional help that you need. Mental illness can be cured similar to any other physical illness. The most important thing is early detection. Anxiety and Depression, if not treated early, become more difficult to treat.

Mental health has suffered amidst Covid-19 pandemic

Advice from family members, though well-intentioned, can prevent people from getting professional help early. Consult a psychiatric doctor as early as possible. In most cases, a combination of medicines and therapy sessions are required to bring relief to patients. Regular therapy sessions are extremely helpful.

JioMeet is here to facilitate Online Therapy

Online therapy sessions are better and more convenient than physical sessions. They are also more affordable. Since you don’t have to visit the clinic, you can easily maintain confidentiality from society. It is easier to convince a person for an online therapy session since he/she does not have the willpower to travel to get the help they need.

A number of Psychiatrists/ Psychologists use JioMeet for their online therapy sessions. The high-quality video allows them to understand patients and demonstrate essential physical exercises. The whiteboard feature helps to discuss several insightful concepts one on one. As patients often tend to forget the instructions given during the sessions, JioMeet enables the psychiatrists/psychologists to record sessions and share them with the patients.

JioMeet is powering doctor-patient interactions on JioHealthHub

JioMeet has integrated with JioHealthHub app, enabling doctors to have live consultations with patients inside the JHH app. Through our native App integration, doctors can review patient data while on-calls, enabling health professionals to deliver quality care.

JioMeet offers SDK for healthcare providers, enabling them to build better experiences for patients seeking online consultation.

Healthy habits such as physical exercise and good sleep go a long way

Physical Exercise significantly helps to enhance your mental health. Any type of Yoga, Aerobics or Dance can definitely help in reducing the intensity of anxiety or depression. Again, looking at the current scenario, online classes are any day a preferable choice than offline ones. You can find several online classes on JioMeet.

Humans are social creatures and it’s important to have strong, healthy relationships with others. However, it is important to be careful when you are sharing your mental problems with your loved ones. Advice by non-professionals may not help and it could lead to cycles of hope and frustration. It is important that your loved ones understand what you are going through, but you should take advice from professionals only.

Try to talk with people who have a positive attitude. It is also important to practice gratitude and be thankful for the good things in life. It’s helpful to do this every day, either by thinking about what you are grateful for or writing it down in a journal. Good sleep and healthy eating is also helpful but cannot substitute for professional help. Don’t spend too much time worrying about this. It is important to find a sense of purpose in life. This could be through your job, volunteering, learning new skills, or exploring your spirituality.